Sport Relief is on tonight and it just got me thinking about the money we donate, how it's spent, and the difference it makes. . . . 

Now it's undeniable that the hundreds of million pounds that's been raised over how ever many years they've been doing this has made a difference to people's lives, but every year we see videos that are the same as the year before (different individuals, but its the same message) and if you think about it, how much difference has that money made??
I would like to say that I think these charities are brilliant, and I always donate and do my part to support it. These charities aim to help to end poverty in both the UK and in Africa; the fact that we're still having to donate millions and millions of pounds every year just shows that it is just a drop in the ocean. One would hope that this colossal amount of money would have a bigger impact. It helps such a minute fraction, realistically, it doesn't make a difference.
I get that every little helps, and I agree, if you can save a life, why wouldn't you, but my point is that SO MUCH money is raised, and it just doesn't make as much of a difference as you would hope or expect. 
Poverty hasn't been reduced by these charities, families and some communities have been improved, but it isn't saving the world, it isn't ridding the world of poverty, and it just makes me a bit sad.

Sorry to put a downer on it. . .it's just something that's always played on the back of my mind when they go on about how much they've raised on TV, and then the next year it's as if none of it h
You all know now that Jenna-Louise Coleman was announced yesterday as the new Doctor Who companion.

I haven't seen her in anything before, so I don't know what she's like as an actress. However, I've heard that people who've watched her in Emmerdale didn't like her, which puts me on edge a bit, however, I am willing to keep my judgements to myself until I've seen her in Doctor Who.

First impressions however are that she's quite cute, very pretty, and looks like she has the potential to be a lot of fun.

People are complaining that Matt Smith should go with the Ponds, but I think it would be a total shame if that happened; I think it would be interesting to see him with a different companion. They could work brilliantly together. Yes, it'll be odd to see him without Amy and Rory, but it was going to happen eventually. 
Everyone needs to remember that she isn't 'replacing' Amy; Amy is leaving, and a new companion has to follow, Jenna has just been given that amazing opportunity, it's unfair to hate on her for that.

I'm looking forward to seeing her, personally. I think Amy and Rory have served their time and it's time for something new. I have to admit, it took a long time for Amy to grow on me. In series 5 she was very much a stubborn, pouty, almost brattish girl, but series 6 was an improvement and she matured and I started to like her more, however I still wouldn't class her as one of my favourite companions.
I actually find it hard to register series 1-4 as the same TV show as series 5/6, so I find it weird to compare the companions. But Amy was always going to leave, someone was always going to come next.

Give Jenna-Louise a break, and wait to see her in an episode. THEN we can judge her fairly. I'm looking forward to seeing it :)