So it seems a lot more people have been reading my blog that I thought. In one sense this makes me happy that people are taking the time to read it, but then it makes me angry to hear that people are using it as ammunition to bitch about me.
Firstly, if you have ANY issue with anything I say, leave a comment. You might have misunderstood and I can correct you. If not, I'd prefer you to tell me to my face.
Secondly, this is just my opinion, I'm not forcing any of it upon anyone, if you don't like it, that's fine, that's your opinion. I respect that.

More specifically, I would like to say that I have NOT slagged off state schools. As I said in that post, I love the school I'm at at the moment; they've helped me get exam results that I'm very happy with, the teachers are all great and most of the people are lovely. I wouldn't go back to my old school if I was given the chance.

Also, I do not think I am 'better' than other people because I went to a private school. Again, that's your prejudice that private schools are better and therefore I think I'm better because you presume I have the same opinion. At ONE of the schools I went to I have a high level of education. That's a fact about that school. That has nothing to do with my intellect or anything, it's a good school. That's all. The second private school I went to had an education level equal to your average state school. People who went there were just rich (I wasn't though. I'm poor. The army paid my fee).

Finally (think this is my last point), when I said that some people made school a place I sometimes didn't want to be I wasn't bitching. I didn't name anyone, I didn't say anything bitchy about them, I just said how I felt. Because that is how I feel. If you felt targetted by that comment then maybe it means that it is you that's made me feel like that. Again, that's not me bitching, that's me being bitched about by you.

At the end of the day, this is just how I feel, it's my opinion, and if you don't like it DON'T READ IT.

Also, if I was targetting people and trying to boast and stuff, why would I give those people access to my blog????

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