So Moffat tells us we've all missed something.

I rewatched The Reichenbach Fall yesterday because of this. Well, rewatched the whole series, but yeah.
And I came up with something...

Mycroft says to Watson that they were trying to get the computer key code out of Moriarty. He wouldn't say ANYTHING until Mycroft comes in. Mycroft says that Moriarty told him something. It wasn't the key code, if it was it wouldn't matter because there IS no key code. It is also clearly good enough to release Moriarty. And the information is also worth Sherlock's life story.

WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?!?!

I think there is something there. 

Something else I noticed - When Sherlock steps on to the ledge, before he jumps, there is no blood or anything. The ledge is clear. Then, after Moriarty shoots himself and Sherlock steps about on, there is blood on the ledge.
No idea what it could mean, but it was something I noticed...

I also don't think Moriarty is dead. I mean, think about it, what is Sherlock without Moriarty? And series 3 was commissioned at the same time as 2 so Moffat and Gatiss KNEW they had 6 episodes to work with. Why would they kill off Moriarty???? 
Also, now this is a long stretch, but I was talking to someone about it. What if THAT isn't Moriarty? (Now, I don't remember this but my friend said he said it) But apparently Moriarty said something along the lines of No one actually talks to Moriarty. What if he meant that literally?? What if HE is just some pawn that is used by the REAL Moriarty, therefore the real Moriarty, the brains, is alive.
It's a very long stretch I know, but yeah, it's another suggestion. Either way, I don't think Moriarty is dead.

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