So I'm a newbie to blogging, and I have no idea who the hell is going to read it, but what the hell; I want somewhere to write and this seems to be ticking the boxes. Don't even know if it matters if someone reads it. Didn't fancy Tumblr; I find it a bit confusing, and its too mainstream; I don't want somewhere where people from school or people I know but don't necessarily like
can easily look me up. I figure with a site like this I can give the web address to someone if I really want to. And if they are worthy of it. 
Might be a little odd trying to avoid people I know, friends
included, but its so restricting in what you can write when people you see on a regular basis can see it. And then judge you. To your face. And then tell other people about something you put be honest I just wanted somewhere private where I can write about anything I want, whether it be a rant (which I'm sure it often will). That's the other thing; I love to write, I want to write for a living, but I find it's such a personal thing. I hate sharing it because I feel that writing can express emotions that are difficult to express, and maybe I'm threatened by the vulnerability that that creates... I don't know.
But, hey, here I am. Can't stop people if they read it...emphasis on the if. But if you are reading this, I hope you enjoy it. Although I don't exactly know if it's something to be it? I don't  know; like I said, I'm new to this blogging and I'm mainly using this as an outlet.

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