This is partially linked to my previous point...

I have The God Delusion on my Kindle and I was talking about philosophy and religion with a friend who is studying it for A Level so I started reading it.
You may know the book, if not, you'll probably know the author, Richard Dawkins. Infamous for his blunt, maybe arrogant, atheist views.
I had someone tell me today that he's just 'as arrogant as religious preachers'. Yeah, it may be true, but why's that a relevant point? Atheism is, in a kind of way, a religion. A religion is after all a set of beliefs. Atheism is a set of beliefs that are based on fact, who cares if he's arrogant? If you read the book you'll see he's got a bloody good reason to be!
So I started reading it. I read the Preface, which was just explaining the book and the point of the book. And I was hooked. Everything he says is logical. He has clearly done a HELL of a lot of research, and everything he says is completely logical and it just makes simple sense.
It is as if Dawkins has gone inside my mind and articulated everything I couldn't put into words into words.
I might be slightly bias in that I was an atheist before I started reading it, but I believe that atheists are more open minded in terms of faith than any religious person. Someone who believes in God will look at nothing else. They can't be convinced into anything else.
But the book is just so bloody brilliant. Dawkins makes so excellent points, but each time he uses a real life example to prove his point, and therefore showing the advantages of atheism.

Its so brilliant. Read it. Believe in God or not, read it. Whether you believe in God or not, it will provoke so many thoughts in your mind, bring to light so many other religions, perspectives, other people's views on things you had never ever thought of.
It delves into the meaning of religion, and of God. I mean, I could say I was an atheist just as much as I could say I believed in the Pantheist religion. People never equalise religion and atheism, but Dawkins presents them on the same level, but also on different levels.

I cannot go into how brilliant this book is. Dawkins brings up so many points, that so many people don't think of.

I should also add that I have only read the Preface and Chapter 1.

Buy it.
Read it.
LOVE it.

My ONLY reservation about it is that I hate it when people shove their beliefs down other people's throats. Fine, believe in God, have faith, just keep it to yourself. I accept that if you pick the book up to read you're allowing yourself to be bombarded by atheism, but Dawkins says in the Preface that he hopes when you finish the book you will be an atheist. I don't think changing someone's religion is a very good, or particularly admirable thing. If someone believes, that's their choice. I may not agree with what they believe, but as long as they don't make me believe what they believe I don't care. A better way around that I think could have been saying that he hoped some people would realise he has relevant points and would consider atheism as a positive thing, rather than bluntly saying You will become an atheist if you read this. That'll put people off. Don't be put off though. It's brilliant.

I would also recommend a Kindle to anyone too :) great gadgets. So handy. Never thought I'd want one - I love holding a book, turning the pages, in the same way I prefer CDs to downloads. But I love my Kindle.

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