2012. Big year for lots of us.
For me, I finish my A Levels which shall be a bloody big relief - I know they warn you before you start about how difficult they'll be, even more difficult than a degree they say, but what they don't tell you is how BLOODY EXHAUSTING education becomes. I am utterly sick of sitting in a classroom that smells of sweaty little children and learning about things I honestly really don't care about. Ok, well that only relates to History. I just don't care about the Tudors any more. I really couldn't give a monkeys about the Golden Age of Spain. WHO DOES?!
I do enjoy English, but whether I enjoy my English lessons is another matter, considering about 75% of the lessons have been taught by us, the students. Great teaching - So class, go into groups and for the next 10 lessons you are all going to plan and deliver a lesson on this poem/story/scene/whatever. So then we waste 2 lessons coming up with 'We'll make them find a quote an analyse it for an hour'. No thanks. I'd rather be taught by the person who is being PAID to do it.

Anyway, getting back to my initial point, A Levels will be over. You may be wondering why I am overjoyed by that because I'll just be going straight back into education, which is where you are wrong. One big thing my school did do for me was introduce me to Project Trust who are a gap year organisation. So in August I shall be heading off to Africa!! There, I shall be (hopefully, its slightly complicated for the next few months) writing a newspaper called the Buchter News.
It's so bizarre to think that THIS year I am going away. For a whole year. Still hasn't sunk in. Can't wait though. For months it's seemed distant, I've always said "Next year I'm going to Africa", and now I have to say "This year. In a few months time."
In a few months. Bloody hell. Still got loads of fundraising to do for it too. Wanna be lovely and donate a fiver??? Go there -> http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SarahWilliamsonPT 

New Years Eve though. That was interesting. Didn't go to a party or anything. Never do (sucks, I know). But it was spent with my younger sister out of the house because she's decided she's going to live with my grandad now (not even going to bother explaining that one) and my best friend came round and we all played Scattergories and ate gummy bears. Which, personally, was very pleasant. However, in the night it got unbelievably hot so I couldn't sleep and then one of my cats decided she would climb over everything so I had to throw her out my room twice. And then I have this digital Stig alarm clock that I was given last Christmas which I've never used as an alarm clock because it confuses me and I haven't touched in months which decided to go off (it plays the Top Gear theme tune. Really loud.) in the middle of the night (6am). I thought I had turned it off, but as I said its confusing, and it went off another 2 times, even after I tried changing when the alarm would go off. So at 6.30am I was sick of it and stormed downstairs with it and unscrewed the bitch and emptied of its batteries thinking, If it goes off now it's a job for the Ghostbuster.

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely New Years, and best of luck in 2012. Hope it's a good'n :)

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