I was watching 2012 today. The apocolyptic film where the sun flares stuff and stuff happens to make the tectonic plates move freely, Silverstone erupts, world is pretty much destroyed. Good film. Apart from the whole giant-boat-spaceship-thing. That was kinda weird.
But everyone knows about the Mayan 'belief' that the world will end on the winter solstace of this year. Peopl think the Mayans knew this because that is the date their calendar ended.
I don't know much about the Mayans, but I know they're an ancient tribe and they aren't really around much today. Because they're dead.
So if they're long dead, surely their calendar had to end at the latest when they all died.
And HOW would they know that 21st December is when the world will end. HOW?!?! Did their God come to them in a vision? Who knows. 'God' has come to many people and said the end of the world is nigh. And we're all still here. They were probably all on the wacky backy. Actually no. That stuff is tame compared to what they probably too. . . anyway.

It's bullshit. End of.

And if it were to follow what happens in '2012' then we would have noticed the effects 2 years ago.

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