I had a range of education growing up. I'm a 'military brat' so I moved house every 2 years up until the age of 12/13 when my parents divorced. This obviously meant changing schools every 2 years. Being part of a military family means we got special bursaries for private boarding schools. So, whilst living in Germany, I was shipped off to a school called S.Anselms in Bakewell at the age of 7.
7?! You say. Yeah, I was young. Very young. Too young, maybe? I don't know. All I know is that when I went on my taster day I cried on the way home because I wanted to stay there. I spent 4 happy years there, seeing my parents every half term, maybe more frequently. I then spent 2 more years at another private school called Abbotsholme near Uttoxeter.
People who have never been to a private school have a certain perception of them. They're 'posh', 'snobby', and a range of other adjectives that have the same meaning. Some are posh, yes. But not every private school is Eton.
When I moved back to Tamworth and went to a state school I got teased for being 'posh'. I had eloquence so people assumed I was posh. (I don't mean I had elocution e. I just didn't speak with a local accent. I went to school in Derbyshire. They speak properly over there.) But I'm not posh, never have been. I'm poorer than most of my friends. It's not like we even paid the whole fee for boarding school. From several thousand a term (each - me and my sister) down to a few hundred.
And what's wrong with being posh anyway? Why would it matter if I was posh?
So I had a good education. No. A bloody good education. You get what you pay for. At my equivalent of primary school I played in competitive sports matches from the age of 8. I learnt French from the age of 7, doing GCSE level French by year 6. In year 6 when I was 10/11 I did 13+ exams. I did Latin for 2 years. The naughtiest kid there was the equivalent to your average kid in any other school. It wasn't that all the kids were super clever and super boring so didn't act out. It was just a bloody good school. We didn't sing any of those fun hymns that people talk about - I don't know any of them. Never did them. We sung from the Songs of Praises hymn book. We did 8 hours of P.E. a week.
You get what you pay for.
However, the only issue with that school is that the high level of education is difficult to be upheld after you leave at 13 (I left at 11 though) because other schools tend to stick to the national curriculum. However, at the end of the day private schools are businesses so they can do what they want in terms of what they teach you, so they can teach to reach children's potential.

But, back to my initial point, going to a private school doesn't make you posh. Just means you're fortunate to be able to afford a better education. The only logical explanation of why one would think poorly of public schools is that they are simply jealous they never had the opportunity to go to one.
And people who do talk badly of them have never been to one, never spent a day there, never realised that it's just a school. They are completely ignorant making their opinion completely irrelevant. But usually better than you're average state school.

Having said that, I have nothing against state schools. I enjoy the school I go to at the moment. There's nothing wrong with it. The education is good, people are nice etc.

Also, people assume that because people who go to private schools are posh, they're stuck up and are good, law-abiding citizens. No, no. There are more drugs at private school, more alcohol, more extravagant parties. . .there's more scandal at private school in one year than in 5 years at state school.
1/23/2012 03:51:48 pm

Hi, just want to add that some stupid, ignorant children/adults will come up with any excuse to bully others, my eldest daughter was at a different school/s elsewhere for two years (years 6&7) on returning and joining the new school with some of her friends some other idiots told her to go back to where she came from as she had picked up a slight regional accent! How dumb is that! My youngest daughter was considered posh because of the way she spoke and liking different things. (we don't watch soaps or x factor stuff at my house!) She loves japanese culture (vocaloid music, lolita dresses anime and manga) and Dr Who and is a cosplayer which is "childish" as opposed to whatever mindless and boring activities they are doing! The joke is on them because she hangs out with older teenagers/adults and they hang out with friends the same age!

1/23/2012 09:23:31 pm

Yeah, I just think it's sad that some schools/accents/etc are given negative connotations for no reason whatsoever. I didn't really have an accent, moving around so much meant that I didn't have any regional accent as such, but it seemed 'posh' when I moved somewhere that did. I just don't understand how some people can see that as being bad, worthy of nasty comments. Being able to pronounce words correctly is surely better????
Sounds like I'd get on with your youngest though!! I've just gotten into Cosplay, which I don't openly talk about much at school because I know I'll get crap for it, because, like you say, it's "childish". I think it's just some people's way of dealing with things they don't understand; When they feel alienated from something they feel the need to alienate that.
But good for your daughter!
I also think having an interest that you can get so involved with is great. I mean, what kind of interest do a lot of people have that comes close to something like cosplay?????


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